Monday, July 2, 2007

Underage Giggles

I had an absolutely fantastic weekend. It was simply one of those times, Sunday evening, that I took a deep breath, looked at the cerulean sky, and felt the peace of God that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
Tonight, I enjoyed a movie on the Terrace with my roommates. There's nothing quite like a kick-ass, semi-patriotic movie from the 90s to get a large crowd cheering, laughing, and joining together in a slow clap as the alien spacecraft comes crashing to earth (see Independence Day).

Then amplify all these good feelings with a 16 oz. of Leinie's Berry Weiss.


I'm from the Chippewa Valley, so I've got to root for the hometown beer, Leinenkugel's. I used to HATE the taste of beer. I would take a virgin dacquari anyday. Beer was bitter, and left a taste in my mouth that made me want to use a tongue scraper immediately.

I can finally say, after two years at college, I like beer. Granted, I'm still picky about what I drink when I drink once in a blue moon. But that cold cup of Berry Weiss tasted so. good. I've developed the adult-taste-buds that recognize that bitter aftertaste as yeast. Beer reminds me of bread.

Believe you me, it wasn't a coincidence both were around for the Vikings. (A big thanks to Prof. Tim Allen)


Anonymous said...


I am so damn proud.

nylorac15 said...

Whoa, Katie, you took Plants and Man? How did I not know that? Was it because I mentioned it, or was it a coincidence? But yeah, that class is pretty darn entertaining.