Monday, May 19, 2008

What a Picture is Worth

My parents have satellite TV. I don't. When I visit home, it's difficult to think of the other things I should be doing when captivated by all-day marathons of Project Runway and Mythbusters. It's sad, I know. The bright colors and shining lights hypnotize my brain, made weak by school. I'm weak - and that manipulative box is just sooo inviting.

Like I mentioned, Project Runway has been a new discovery. Last time I was home, it was America's Next Top Model. I don't think it's in my moral constitution to watch ANTM when it's actually on... but somehow, I can give in to reruns. The product of watching these competition shows is that I'm filled with:
1) a desire to shop
2) a sense of creativity
3) the wish that I had a personal photographer
4) the really strong wish that I was photogenic.
I'm not sure if it's a hobby particular to our generation, the generation of digital cameras, but the pastime "Photo Shoot" has been running rampant in the last few years. Some might say this is reflective of our self-seeking society, which might be harsh. I'm not going to deny it: I like to see some kind of proof that I'm pretty. Yet that can't be it. There's something else that draws young women to spend afternoons taking pictures of each other.
I just don't know what it is yet.

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